Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"The American Dream" is a bullshit concept...

I may be crazy.. I know I am.. But really the way the world works is a load of shit..

Am I the only one that finds it completely insane that society expects you to work all day every day until you are too old and frail to enjoy life?

I am unemployed at the moment and don't know what the hell I intend to do with myself but I have worked ever since I was 15 with no breaks other than the days off that companies are nice enough to give their employees. I have never been without a job in 17 years straight.

I carried along like everyone else seeing work as a necessary evil to get through life. Through teenage years, dating, marriage, divorce, through everything I always worked long hours to make money like everyone else. It was only recently within the past couple of years that I really started to hate the way things work. If you actually have people you love or a life to yourself that you want to spend time with rather than working 40-70 hours a week and being exhausted in your time off you are basically doomed to being miserable. 

I would much rather be like the old days where you were responsible for making your own food and shit to survive on and everything. In todays age there is no option for anything like this because by default you have to earn a lot of money to survive even without buying things. 

Want a place to live? Costs you. 
Paid off your house or built it yourself or whatever else? Property taxes.
Electric, Gas, Ability to flush your shit from the toilet.. For fucks sake if they could charge for air they would and I'm sure someone, somewhere is working on figuring out just that..

Even earning money costs you money when the city, state, and feds want their inflated percentage of what you make. Just for the simple fact of existing you automatically owe someone something.

But even if you want to be a normal member of society and work you still get screwed.
Introducing lay offs! One day you have a job, the next you don't. Finding new work? yeah, that's easy.. Except when you get laid off from long term employment and now your only available options at this point in time is a fucking $7 an hour fast food slave labor job. 

I don't know about the rest of you but for me $7 an hour times 40 hours a week = Bankruptcy. 

There is no possible way anyone alive and on their own can manage to survive in any capacity on minimum wage, especially if you have more than yourself to look out for.

So what now? Society expects me to work 3 jobs for 22 1/2 hours a day for the rest of eternity just for basic housing and survival? I hate to tell you, that's not a "life" that is simply a terrible existence just trying to survive another day.

How the world works ----   

Be rich -- Enjoy life and have a fantastic experience with your years on this planet!

Be anyone else in the world -- You're fucked, just try to make it by with your miserable existence in a job you hate and try to provide for the loved ones that you never see anymore all the time waiting for either retirement (if you survive that long) or the day that with any luck you will die without much pain and finally be done with this endless cycle of bullshit.. 

If it weren't for one specific person I would have killed myself long ago... 

Leapforce At Home Exam Questions Revealed - Exam Study Guide Answers

***Leapforce At Home Test***

If you are planning to try a "work from home" situation you may try to become a Search Engine Evaluator.

This is a great idea, they offer pretty good pay especially considering you do it from home.

HOWEVER -- When you apply you are subjected to an "exam", this all sounds fair enough but there is no feedback on how you did and obviously some people do pass this test and become employees but I am not one of those people.

Now I didn't slack off on this, I studied their material for a week before taking the exam the first time - - FAIL

Then I got a chance to retake it! This time I took even more time considering the questions and answering carefully... FAIL!!

To my knowledge I am not completely retarded, both times I was extremely confident about my answers and expected to pass. After the first time I looked online for other peoples experiences with this exam and could not find barely any information on it so when I took the test the second time I screenshot the shit out of the exam so I could share with the internet world. They tell you this is "open book" so you can review their guidelines while taking the test so I don't see why the questions asked should be secretive so this shouldn't be within the scope of their NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

I am not here to help you cheat, obviously my dumb ass failed it so I can't give you the answers but I can give you the actual questions and multiple choice answers that were on the exam. Also if it would help anyone I can tell you what answers I gave if you want to duplicate my failure. *lol*

Hope this helps everyone and I hope you all do better than I did. 

I just figure with the lack of information available online about this test and the fact that it seems to have an extremely high difficulty rating (even according to Leapforce "There is a very high failure rate") that I could provide a service to everyone by listing this.

I am sure Leapforce, Lionbridge, Apen-whatever the fuck, and all the other search engine evaluation companies are not going to be so appreciative of me posting this but you know what? I don't give a fuck!! If you at least would tell people WHY they fucked up after they failed then it would be a little more acceptable but to just send a default email of "Fuck off, you are an idiot and failed this test because we said so, just take our word for it" just isn't good enough for me. Some people may accept that answer but if you are at least moderately intelligent and studied for the test just to fail with no explanation it's a bit irritating. There isn't even an explanation of what is passing or failing --- Does one missed answer fail you? Three? Are you already predetermined to pass or fail based on the information you gave them previously? With such a lack of information it is quite possible that they are picking and choosing the gender, race, or whatever else they are looking for in advance and then giving you a test you can't pass as a way out of being an "equal opportunity employer" like they claim.

No sense in me carrying on about this, either way, good bad or indifferent I hope this information helps give you an edge on it. If you have any experience with this test or find this helpful please feel free to comment below, even if you passed this easily and want to call me a dumb shit for failing go right ahead, at least then I know someone out there has read this and got something out of it. And since I'm still unemployed after wasting a lot of time on this testing to no avail please click on some ads so I can collect a couple of pennies to help keep a roof over my families head. 

Good Luck!!